Thursday, March 4, 2010

Shopping and the Philharmonic

Today was a little nippy so we all layered up with all the clothes we had. Had our hats on and hoods up on jackets. We started late because we knew that we would be out late tonight. After noon we took the tram downtown. Did some souvenir shopping and looked for food. We had planned to have another rulicke (long weiner in a tubular bun) but no vendors were to be found. Ended up at a Italian restaurant where we enjoyed pizza and calazone. The restaurant was down a long flight of stairs. There were open flame lamps on the table and one exit out ===The U. S. fire inspectors would go nuts. Decided to go sightseeing via the trams which we did. When we got off the tram we were trying to figure out how to get to the concert hall area. As we studied our map a nice English speaking young woman came up and asked if we needed help. It turned out that the Rudolfinum, a large well-lighted concert hall with a green copper roof built in 1876, was right across the river. We could see it from where we stood. All we had to do was jump on the next tram and get off at the next stop which we did. Had a cup of coffee and dessert at a coffee shop. Desserts here are very attractive but far less sweet than at home. Headed for the Rudolfinum and the concert. Gloria had purchased tickets for us in advance --9th row and center- perfect. The Czech Philharmonic played a concert of Martinu (a double concerto for two stringed orchestras), Dvorak (The Suite in A Major), and Bartok (A concerto). The Dvorak Hall is supposed to have the best accoustics in Europe. It was much smaller ( probably about 1100 seats) than we anticipated but very elaborate. Very comfortable seats with plenty of leg room. It was a wonderful music experience. Collected our coats, hopped the metro, then the tram and up the hill. We were home in about 50 minutes. Tomorrow is our last day here.

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