Friday, March 5, 2010

The last day in Prague

Today was the day to drag out the suitcase and start packing. I didn't feel very good so didn't go with Chuck and Phylis who took the tram downtown. They did some shopping and met Gloria for dinner. Thanks to Pepto Bismal and Lomotil I am feeling better. Gloria came back here to say good byes. There were several little snow squalls. More random thoughts. 1. There are few bicycles on the streets. N0t alot of cars either. Have never seen a traffic jam. Public transportation is the way to go. Also cars stop for you in a crosswalk. We have never had difficult crossing the streets. 2. Old Prague is beautiful. New Prague is more utilitarian and not so beautiful.
This has been a wonderful experience. However, we are ready for soft Charmin (me), his own bed (CA), her own car (PA) . We will miss the wonderful bread, someone to cook for us, and adventurous travel!

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