Tuesday, March 2, 2010

3/2 posting from PV

Well, today it's my turn while Stella takes the day off from blogging and Chuck continues to "coach" from the sidelines. Today we took another bus tour--to Karlovy Vary. This is a spa town with mineral springs and where European royalty took the waters, got cured, and paraded on the promenade. Very interesting. We all tasted the mineral water and decided we didn't need any more cure! It is still a very popular resort area and was pleasantly slow in this off season. The weather was okay, pretty sunny, not very windy but also not very warm. We enjoyed the 2-hour bus ride west of Prague and were so close to Germany that we could see the border. We saw a large brewery (there are quite a few in Czech Republic) and lots of hops trellises. We noticed a lot of winter wheat and our guide said they also raise lots of potatoes and barley in that area. A lot of the small villages seem to still be in disrepair from WWII. We surmise they are mostly farmers living there as we never see a "farmstead." We also saw several bunkers left over from the war.

Gloria is at her language class tonight so we came back to our penzion after the bus trip. I peeled oranges, Stella is now washing the dishes (another adventure!) and Chuck is pouring wine and continuing to "coach." Stay turned for tomorrow's chapter! --pv & c & s


  1. You three are doing a great job describing what you are seeing - I sure hope there are lots of pictures to see when you get home! Dan wants to know how much beer you can get back home to us?

  2. Drank it all so there is none left to bring home!
