Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday in Aruba

This morning we sat on our balcony and enjoyed coffee while watching the ship dock in Aruba. Aruba is a study in contrasts: a desert island in the middle of the ocean. It was originally a Dutch colony. There are still some brightly colored buildings and remnants of its Dutch history. We walked to the shopping area and looked around. In advance we had arranged to meet Marlow and Sherri Anderson, friends from church who have a timeshare on Aruba. A couple weeks ago we had discovered that they were leaving for Aruba on the 21st and so were we. We went to the appointed restaurant and they never showed up! We were disappointed, but realized that if something had come up, they had no way to get a hold of us. Tonight when we checked Emails, we found out 'the rest of the story.' Sheryl Crowell (Larry and Nancy's daughter) saw Marlow and Sherri in church. They will be in Aruba on FEBRUARY 21--not January. Oh well. The tropical sun is very hot. Yes, I wore a hat and long sleeves and slathered on the sunscreen. Tonight's entertainment was Brandy Chapman --a very good singer. We left Aruba after lunch and now we are on the way to Colombia.

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