Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday in Cartagena, Colombia

When we woke up this morning, we could see that we were getting close to Cartagena. There was a line of cruise ships getting into harbor. Cartagena had 12 or more huge forts protecting them from the pirates. Of course, there are also the modern high skyscrapers in this city of 1 million people. We brought coffee back from breakfast and sat on our balcony watching the container ships being unloaded by cranes --using huge magnets to pick up the containers. Around 9 am we started our tour. During the bus ride, we observed the old walls of the city, the Spanish architecture, fortresses, and life in Colombia. After a bit, we started walking. Oh my, was it ever hot. Sweat running down my back, sweat running into my eyes,--oh well, you get the picture. Finally we hit the Hard Rock cafe for something cold to drink and respite from the beating sun. Eventually we went back outside and walked around. While waiting for the bus, we leaned against St. Peter's cathedral. I felt a plop on top of my hat. You guessed it: pigeons were above. One tee shirt vendor had a good laugh at my expense. The up side is that it landed on my hat, not my head! Came back to the ship for a late lunch. Happened to sit with a couple from PA. She had a cousin in Rockford --Jack Masters --of all people. A little more conversation and it turns out that he is a retired Lutheran pastor who started out in the Shenandoah Valley, VA --knew of Larry. Small world. That's it for today.

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