Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Getting ready for Panama

As we were stuffing clothes into our suitcases, Chuck and I started thinking about staying in contact with our friends. In the past we have sent group Emails, but that fills your in-box with info you may not be interested in. Having seen "Julia and Julie' this past summer, I thought about a blog. That way you can check our blog if you are interested. If you are not interested, that's ok, too. Anyway----we are leaving for a Panama Cruise on Thursday. The most astonishing fact so far is that I have been packed since last Friday --an all time record for one who usually finishes packing within 30 minutes of walking out the door. Since then, of course, I have been re-thinking every item I put in the suitcase.
Click on "comments" below if you choose to communicate with us.
That's all for now.


  1. Looks good so far! Have a great trip, keep us posted, and PLEASE keep your travel buddies out of trouble! ;-)

    --Dave C.

  2. Oh, by the way - by posting this comment, I discovered that you DO indeed need to create an account with Google (or another of the services listed below). The account is free, but appears to be required nonetheless.


  3. Our traveling companions are staying out of trouble, but when they were perched on the top of the steps pouring champagne, I began to wonder if that was a smart think to do with a cane!!
