Saturday, January 30, 2010

Costa Rica

Yesterday was a long day in Costa Rica which is a very beautiful country with lots of flowers, birds, agricultural products and scenery. We left the ship and started on a two hour bus ride in the countryside. Saw many fruit stands along the road --pickups filled with melons. After an hour we stopped at a store with a gorgeous garden and many souveniers. Behind the store was a butterfly house with big blue butterflies as big as your hand. Chuck tried to get them to hold still so he could take their picture but they did not cooperate! The guide insisted on calling it a "pee-pee" stop. After another hour we arrived at a village where we saw an iguana in a park and also a beautiful church with stained glass windows and a gold altar. Then we went to a coffee plantation and lunch. We saw all the steps in coffee processing including tasting a fresh coffee cherry with two beans inside. It ended with coffee beans in a bag ready to sell to us. Lastly we toured an orchid garden which also included very colorful tropical birds. Boarded the bus for an hour ride back to the ship and a gorgeous sunset. Today we are at sea.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Panama City

Yesterday we toured Panama City which doesn't have a harbour deep enough for the cruise ship to dock. We were anchored out in the bay and went to shore via tender (actually the life boats that are afixed to the ship). Our tour which lasted all morning took us through the historic city (just stone ruins of the original churches, etc.), the colonial city which looked like the French quarter in New Orleans with two and three story buildings with metal grillwork balconies, and the modern city with its skyscrapers and apartments. Also went through the part that was US military before Panama won its independence 1999. Very interesting. Spent the afternoon just enjoying the cool of the ship. Last night we ate at the Bayou Cafe --one of the special restaurants on the ship. The menu was New Orleans and so was the music. Today we are at sea. A small world story--yesterday we were on tour with a couple from Gratiot, WI. They originally said "Monroe" but then admitted where they really live. We frequently say that we live near Chicago --just saves a lot of time. Off to the library and a relaxing day at sea.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Going through the Panama Canal

The alarm rang at 6:45a.m. We were up earlier and ready to see the ship go through the Panama Canal. It is quite a process. There were three locks, then the lake, and then two more sets of locks. We supposedly set a record paying over $330,000.00 to pass through the canal. That cost is based on the number of passengers and other factors. Going through the PC saves boats approximately 8600 kilometers as opposed to going around the tip of South America. Anyway, the process lasted until about 3:30pm. We watched the mules (trucks on tracks) pulling the ship, waved at people on other ships, took pictures, tried to find the best view, and looked at the jungle. Very interesting especially when you consider how old the canal is and what all went in to the construction. The Panama Canal is now going through a process to widen the canal and be able to accommodate new wider ships. Today was also Nancy's birthday. Some waiters helped us sing to her at breakfast. We gave her a card and wished her Happy Birthday at lunch. Tonight we had roses on the table waiting for her, she had a cake with candles and wait staff sang again. Did I mention balloons by her door, too? Tonight we are sitting in the Pacific waiting to tour Panama City tomorrow.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday in Cartagena, Colombia

When we woke up this morning, we could see that we were getting close to Cartagena. There was a line of cruise ships getting into harbor. Cartagena had 12 or more huge forts protecting them from the pirates. Of course, there are also the modern high skyscrapers in this city of 1 million people. We brought coffee back from breakfast and sat on our balcony watching the container ships being unloaded by cranes --using huge magnets to pick up the containers. Around 9 am we started our tour. During the bus ride, we observed the old walls of the city, the Spanish architecture, fortresses, and life in Colombia. After a bit, we started walking. Oh my, was it ever hot. Sweat running down my back, sweat running into my eyes,--oh well, you get the picture. Finally we hit the Hard Rock cafe for something cold to drink and respite from the beating sun. Eventually we went back outside and walked around. While waiting for the bus, we leaned against St. Peter's cathedral. I felt a plop on top of my hat. You guessed it: pigeons were above. One tee shirt vendor had a good laugh at my expense. The up side is that it landed on my hat, not my head! Came back to the ship for a late lunch. Happened to sit with a couple from PA. She had a cousin in Rockford --Jack Masters --of all people. A little more conversation and it turns out that he is a retired Lutheran pastor who started out in the Shenandoah Valley, VA --knew of Larry. Small world. That's it for today.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday in Aruba

This morning we sat on our balcony and enjoyed coffee while watching the ship dock in Aruba. Aruba is a study in contrasts: a desert island in the middle of the ocean. It was originally a Dutch colony. There are still some brightly colored buildings and remnants of its Dutch history. We walked to the shopping area and looked around. In advance we had arranged to meet Marlow and Sherri Anderson, friends from church who have a timeshare on Aruba. A couple weeks ago we had discovered that they were leaving for Aruba on the 21st and so were we. We went to the appointed restaurant and they never showed up! We were disappointed, but realized that if something had come up, they had no way to get a hold of us. Tonight when we checked Emails, we found out 'the rest of the story.' Sheryl Crowell (Larry and Nancy's daughter) saw Marlow and Sherri in church. They will be in Aruba on FEBRUARY 21--not January. Oh well. The tropical sun is very hot. Yes, I wore a hat and long sleeves and slathered on the sunscreen. Tonight's entertainment was Brandy Chapman --a very good singer. We left Aruba after lunch and now we are on the way to Colombia.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday at Sea

We have been at sea all day. The ship is moving faster today and the wind is more brisk. Today has been a lazy day ---almost have my book finished THE GIRL WHO PLAYED WITH FIRE. We went around Haiti and headed for the main channel of the Carribean. Today's buffet featured a huge dessert display--any flavor, any color, fruits, pastries, sugar-free, etc. Last night we went to a dance/song revue "Motown." Tonight we are going to the Comedy Club.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday at Sea

The world looks better after a good night's sleep. We were at sea today with a bright
Carribbean sun, warm soft breezes, and a calm sea. We slept late, ate (of course), read books, explored the ship and spent a lazy day. Tonight was a formal dinner (loosely interpreted means no shorts or tee shirts, but dressy). Our traveling companions, Nancy and Larry Matthews, poured champagne down the champagne waterfalls while Chuck took a picture. Then we went to the MoTown stage show--lots of dancing and singing. Our night took a turn when we checked Email and saw that Chuck's cousin, Wayne Schroeder, died today. Wayne was only 60 and Chuck's only Schroeder boy cousin. Very Sad.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

We are in the Atlantic

The alarm rang at 2:20 a.m. Despite a thin glaze of ice, we made it to the 3:30 bus and headed for O'Hare. The plane left on time. The flight was very choppy (the pilot's words), but we made it to Fort Lauderdale. The dock is really very close to the airport so we boarded the Coral Princess in a short time. We are still getting acquainted with the ship. Food is good. We are tired. Off to bed. Tomorrow we are at sea and will catch up on our rest. sls

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Getting ready for Panama

As we were stuffing clothes into our suitcases, Chuck and I started thinking about staying in contact with our friends. In the past we have sent group Emails, but that fills your in-box with info you may not be interested in. Having seen "Julia and Julie' this past summer, I thought about a blog. That way you can check our blog if you are interested. If you are not interested, that's ok, too. Anyway----we are leaving for a Panama Cruise on Thursday. The most astonishing fact so far is that I have been packed since last Friday --an all time record for one who usually finishes packing within 30 minutes of walking out the door. Since then, of course, I have been re-thinking every item I put in the suitcase.
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That's all for now.