Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Last port: CaboSanLucas

This morning we opened our balcony door and could hear the seals barking. It was still dark but we knew that we were near Cabo. Around 6:30 you could see the rock formations that are identified with Cabo and the lights of Cabo against the mountain/big hill background. At 7:45 we took a tender (actually our lifeboats) to the shore. We walked around this vacation area that is a haven for Californians and listened to all the hawkers wanting us to go on glass-bottom boat rides, or scuba diving or swim off Lovers Beach or see the whales, etc. Pelicans perched on many of the small fishing boats that were tied to the dock. Every once in a while they would swoop down and scoop up a mouthful of fish. Around 10:00 we went back to the pier and boarded a boat for Whale Watching. By the big rocks we could see the seals playing in the water. When we got a little further out we could see a baby Hump Back Whale (born a week ago with the birth weight of one and a half tons) and its mother. There was the classic spurt of water in the air and then the whales surfaced to take in air. They did not arc high like the National Geographic pictures you see, but we could clearly see them within 15 or 20 yards. We (along with about half a dozen smaller boats) followed them for an hour or so. The narrator on our boat was a marine biologist whose specialty was deep sea mammals. Then we came back in and boarded a tender back to our ship. By 1:30 we were moving out of the bay and on our way. Tonight at dinner the chef and his kitchen crew paraded around the dining room. The food has been outstanding. Dave, we had Beef Wellington tonight and thought of you. Sheryl, we had lobster - again- and thought of you. Tomorrow is at sea along with packing our bags. We will disembark on Friday morning.

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