Friday, February 26, 2010

Blogging from Prague

What an adventure---but let's start from the beginning. We left Rockford on the 4pm bus on Tuesday the 23rd. Flew out of O'Hare at 8:30pm. Four hour layover in London. Arrived in Prague around 5pm on Wednesday ==we are seven hours ahead of Central Standard Time. Gloria met us at the airport. We each had a backpack and one piece of wheeled luggage. We changed money and purchased five day transportation (metro, bus, or tram) passes. We boarded the bus, transferred to the metro (underground subway), transferred to the tram (streetcar) , and walked straight up a hill for two blocks all the while dragging our luggage. The airport is located northwest of Prague and our hotel is in the southeast part of the city. We had spent an hour on public transportation. We were totally exhausted. Gloria was excited to finally have us here and starting telling us her plans. We could only think of sleep. We are staying at the Wolf Hotel --a family-owned small hotel located in a residential neighborhood. It is very clean and modest. The shower is hot, the bed is comfortable, and breakfast good.
On Thursday morning, the three of explored our neighborhood. Found a grocery store and bought some supplies (wine, water, bread, apples). Gloria came back around noon. Took the tram to central city - 35 minutes. Spent the afternoon exploring Old Town. All the cobblestones made for difficult walking for Phylis and myself. The weather was beautiful - high in the 40's and sunny. Walked the Old Kings' Way---the parade route for a new king to be received by the town, the workers, the military, etc. Had street food for lunch. Ate a rulicke (mutnik --Al and Sharon) long hot dog in a round bun. very good. Went to the National Public Library--former monastery. Wonderful barrel ceilings,, a porcelain stove two-stories high, very historical. Walked across the Charles bridge, back under bridge, saw modern sculptures of babies, saw yellow plastic penquins along the river , back across the bridge. By this time our feet were ready to drop off. Had a cup of coffee in a heated outdoor restaurant by the clock--an astronomical clock built several hundred years ago--a common meeting place for people. Saw the Jan Hus statue. We hobbled to the Imperial Cafe for dinner while Gloria went to Czeck class. It was a white table cloth place porcelain panels covered walls and ceilings. The faucets in the bathrooms were golden swans who spewed water out their mouth-pretty memorable. Phylis had salmon, Chuck had lamb shanks, and I had rabbit. We each had a glass of wine. Our dinners were less than $30 each. We went to a nearby shopping center in search of an adapter for the computer and telephone charger.(We each brought an electrical adapter, but neither worked). Finally found one. Gloria met us and we took the tram back to the hotel. We were exhausted again. A little medicinal wine helped our feet!

Phylis brought along a notebook computer. After finding the adapter, we needed to hook up to
WiFi. Found out that the computer had to be plugged in in order to get on WiFi. Then I could only get Czech on the blog and I didn't think you would appreciate that. Anyway, we got it together tonight.

Today we started out around 11am. We took the tram to the Castle--a major landmark in Prague. The Castle stands high on the hill above Prague. It was there when the Roman legions marched into town over 2000 years ago. It is a group buildings that houses the Czech government. St. Vitus cathedral is the centerpiece of the castle with large stained glass windows, etc. Today was much colder than yesterday with a breeze and mist. We walked down the very steep and long hill---stopping often to admire the scenery. Took the tram to the literary coffee house (where the politicians meet) for coffee and dessert. Visited the Baroque Church of the Virgin Mary the Victorious. The Holy Infant of Prague is located there in a glass case. It is a wax sculpture, smaller than life size, presented to the Carmelites in 1628. The sisters dress the statue in elaborate costumes made of ermine and silk velvet. Went to a concert of Czech music in the Church in the wall built in 1178--built before the city walls were built. Should have been suspicious when the posters advertising the concert emphasized that the building was heated. The music was wonderful. Two violins, one viola,and one cello--excellent musicians, but it was cold and just got colder as we sat there. Had dinner at a Czech restaurant-goulash, sausages, cabbage and dumplings---delicious. Took the tram back to our hotel. Stay tuned.

Now that we had the adapter, the next step was hooking up to Wifi. Finally got that done and could get on the internet

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